I meticulously review your edited writing, checking for problems that have slipped past the editing process or online grammar checkers. I work with all types of writing from web content to mysteries to software documentation—and lots in between!Let me handle those for you and definitely we will build a relation of trust where u will be much more comfortable and relax with your work being assigned to me.
Don’t know punctuation? I do. And I’ll proofread using the style sheet of your choice as per your requirements.
A little shaky on spelling? That’s okay, I’m good at that. I’m even multi-lingual – I’ll check your spelling in US, Canadian or British english.
Not sure which which to use? I’ll figure which one fits best, along with the right to, their, your – you get the idea.
Does your work need special formatting? I can make sure it follows the guidelines set out for your type of document.
I’ll proofread your writing using Word documents, Google Docs or PDFs. I’ll proofread hard copies if you want to get them delivered to my door.
Have questions? Feel free to ask.
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