Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Critique Your Synopsis Fast


You've worked hard on your book and you want to get it to agents and editors. You research your favorite agents/editors online and on top of your sample pages and query letter, you see that they are requesting a synopsis. The dreaded synopsis.

The synopsis may be one of the most difficult documents you have create. After all, condensing your entire story into one or two pages is no easy task.

You have to get this right on the first go. First impressions are often the most important. A synopsis gives literary houses an impression of your word economy and how lean your writing is. It tells readers how clean your writing is while keeping all of the elements of the novel. It gives the reader a great sense of your use of plot, structure, and character development.

I've edited manuscripts and participate in the publishing industry. My goal is to help you realize your dreams and to do it with a fast, precise, and honest process. I will give you an honest opinion of the strengths and weaknesses of your synopsis letter in this gig fast.

This is all for the low price of $10. Order today!



Positive, fast, and clear comments. I expected a little more specific suggestions.


Thank you for your expert feedback. You made a material difference in improving my query letter. Keep well and stay safe.


Very quick and honest critique.

: :

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